As we all know in today’s economy Kansans struggle with making too much yet too little to be able to build housing. This is why we decided to hold a housing summit. We asked Ryan Vincent, the Executive Director from the Kansas Housing Resource Commission (KHRC) to share a presentation and answer any questions the patrons of Morris County had regarding housing. There will be a hyperlink at the bottom that will lead you to the PowerPoint presentation. We invited all citizens of Morris County to come join us at The Dealership Building on Main St. Council Grove, KS. While we did not have very many registered for the event we were pleasantly surprised with the turnout of 40+ individuals. When it comes to the success of the event, it is fair to say that there were great discussions about the direction we would like to go as a county. Below you will find a condensed version of the Q & A for the evening.

How to get started?
Local Housing Study (DONE)
Conversations with housing & development (DONE) (this evening)
Department of Commerce
Starting w/moderate income housing (Moderate Income Housing Program)?
NOT a federal program
Must go through cities and counties
Developers can partner
Morris County is small enough for $135,000/unit
Can there be multiple projects?
Yes, just have to go through the county
Does not restrict for communities
Turnaround time?
3-4 months to know if we receive the grant
60 days to break ground
Fall - October
Talk to other communities that have been successful with the program.
To be determined (TBD) does not help with progress for the application.
Need figures for free lots, etc.