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Meet Our Interim Executive Director!

The GMDC is excited to announce that Chuck Scott has been appointed by our Board Members to be our Interim Executive Director!

Chuck Scott is passionate about community preservation because of his love for history, learning, historic building preservation, and downtown revitalization. He uses his ability to network people and connect them with expert resources along with his background in financing, real estate development, and project management to improve community well-being through economic development. Chuck is a certified Economic Development Finance Professional (EDFP) and is a member of the Industrial Asset Management Council (IAMC), International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC), Kansas Economic Development Alliance (KEDA), Transatlantic Business & Investment Council (TBIC), and Site Selectors Guild (SSG). He is a graduate of the Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program.  He is an alumnus of Kansas State University with an MBA in Finance.  To help reverse the "brain drain" that is occurring in our rural communities, Chuck uses education, sports, and mentorship to show young people the opportunities that exist in their communities. Chuck lives in Emporia, Kansas with his wife and their two sons.

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